ATSC 113    Applied Meteorology
Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports

Experts in Action

You don't need to be an expert pilot, skier, or sailor in order to do well in this course.  However, by seeing how experts approach weather-related problems, you can gain insight to help you improve your own decision making. 

To see experts in action, we created an additional practice module around a new case study - - one that is not part of your assignments.  As an expert works through this module, we record their computer screens, and we have them talk out loud about what they are thinking, and why they are thinking it.  These actions and thoughts by an expert are recorded as videos that you can watch. 

Below is the new module.  The module is complete, in the sense that you can work through it on your own if you wish.  But it also has a link to the expert videos. 

Flying Weather (Module E)

UBC ATSC 113 Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports
Copyright © 2017-2023 by Roland Stull
Last modification: 20 Jan 2023