ATSC 113    Applied Meteorology
Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports

Rubric for grading Step 6

  This question has 2 parts: Reasoning and Decision.

Part 1 - Step 6 Reasoning

Here we present questions to help you apply your growing knowledge of weather to issues that are relevant to the specific case study.  Namely, thinking about these questions will help you make a better decision in part 2 - Decision. 

When you answer this Reasoning part, feel free to look back (in other browser windows or tabs) to various meteorological learning goals/content as needed to refresh yourknowledge.

Many of these questions consider multiple factors, and it is possible to earn partial marks if your answer choice has only some but not all of the relevant factors.  Also, for different Modules, there are different numbers of questions that can be worth different max points.  The max points possible is listed near the top of each question. 

It is possible to earn full marks in Reasoning even if you make a poor or bad go/no-go Decision in the next part.

You are allowed only 1 attempt with max 50 minute duration.

Part 2 - Step 6 Decision

This is where you make your go/no-go decision, based on the set of choices provided in Step 1 of the Module.  There is only one multiple-choice question, where you select your Decision.  "Best" decisions are worth full marks, some good decisions are worth fewer marks, and poor decisions are worth zero marks. 

You are allowed only 1 attempt with max 50 minute duration, so think carefully before you submit your decision.


UBC ATSC 113 Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports
Copyright © 2018-2022 by Roland Stull
Last modification: 5 Dec 2022