ATSC 113
Applied Meteorology
Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports
Welcome to Students
who Joined the Course Late
You should get access to Canvas within a day or
two after you registered into this course, so please be patient.
[ CAUTION: The time periods stated below are for winter terms (Fall and Spring).
For the compressed Summer term, the corresponding time periods are about half of what are listed below. ]
Within the first 8 days of term:
Welcome new students. If you registered before or DURING
the first 8 calendar days of term, then you are not considered to have joined
late. (These are 8 "calendar" days, not 8 weekdays.)
You can proceed as normal,
starting with Canvas module "Orientation - page 1", and then continuing
into Flying-weather module A. You will need to start your online
work right away to catch up, but you should be able do all the
assignments. Please pay close attention to the course Schedule , because all the normal deadlines still apply to you.
The Orientation stays open for a long time (even after the official "due" date), so you don't
need to worry about missing it. All students must finish the
Orientation before moving into the Flying-weather
If you are having difficulty, please contact the Course
Administrator, Dr. Doug McCollor, via the Canvas Inbox messaging tool.
UBC ATSC 113 Weather for
Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports
Copyright © 2017-2019 by Roland Stull
Last modification: July 2019