Lab 3 - Web Authoring - part 2


  1. any leftovers from previous week.
  2. anchors, colour
  3. cascading style sheets (CSS) - to simplify repeated styles. 
  4. at end of class: demo of NX, as a lead-in to next week's Linux topics.

Note about priority of cascading styles:

  1. in-line styles (where you select content in your web page and set the style directly, such as by selecting Bold or Larger or a color) are highest priority.  
  2. internal style sheets (where you define a set of styles in the header of your html document) are second highest priority.
  3. external style sheets (that you have linked to your html document) are second lowest.  But these are often the best to use, because you can set some style rules once, and apply them to many different html documents.
  4. default styles (often set by your browser) are lowest priority.

For any aspects of the style that are unspecified in a higher priority, the browser drops down the priority list until it finds a style that applies, else it uses the default lowest priority.

Files to be used in Lab Demo:

In-class Lab Demo:   Step-by-step instructions.

Homework Assignment  (Due by the end of Friday of Week 3 of the term.)

Reading Assignment:

  1. Read “KompoZer User Guide” Chapter 4 (style sheets).
  2. Not required, but if you need more info about CSS, see W3C's Style Sheets (Chapter 14). 

Goal of Readings: To be able to create and manage complex web sites using the web authoring tool called "KompoZer".


Copyright © 2010 by Roland Stull
Univ. of British Columbia