Tip 2 - copy and paste unix code in appropriate directories * Note tip 2 has to be completed in one session, if you log out before completing it then you will need to start over log onto Westgrid 1) Change into the packages directory cd WRF/packages 2) Extract the NetCDF file from the tar ball tar -xvzf netcdf-3.6.3.tar.gz 3) Change into the NetCDF directory cd netcdf-3.6.3 4) We need to compile NetCDF with a GCC compiler, paste and execute the below lines one at a time export CC=gcc export CXX=g++ export FC=gfortran export F90=gfortran export CPPFLAGS='-DNDEBUG -DgFortran' make clean ./configure --prefix=/home/{put your own user name here}/WRF/packages/ make make install 5) change back to the packages directory cd ../ 6) Extract the libpng from the tar ball tar -xvzf libpng-1.5.9.tar.gz 7) change into the libpng library cd libpng-1.5.9 8) We need to compile the library, paste and execute the below lines one at a time ./configure --prefix=/home/{put your own user name here}/WRF/packages/ make make install 9) Change back to the packages directory cd ../ 10) Extract the zlib from the tar ball tar -xvzf zlib-1.2.6.tar.gz 11) change into the zlib directory cd zlib-1.2.6 12) Compile the zlib library, paste and execute the below lines one at a time ./configure --prefix=/home/{put your own user name here}/WRF/packages/ make make install 13) Change back to the packages directory cd ../ 14) Extract the Jasper library from the zip file unzip jasper-1.900.1.zip 15) Change into the jasper directory cd jasper-1.900.1 16) Compile the Jasper library, paste and execute the below lines one at a time export LDFlags=-L~/WRF/packages/lib export CFlags=-L~/WRF/packages/include export CPPFlags=-L~/WRF/packages/include ./configure --prefix=/home/{put your own user name here}/WRF/packages/ make make install 17) Change back to the main directory cd ~ 18) Edit your bashrc vi .bashrc edit it to look like this one (bash_EX) 19) paste and execute the below lines one at a time export NETCDF=$HOME/WRF/packages export JASPERLIB=$HOME/WRF/packages/lib export JASPERINC=$HOME/WRF/packages/include 20) Change into the WRF directory cd WRF 21) Extract WRF from the tar ball tar -xvzf WRFV3.6.1.fixed.tgz 22) Change into the WRFV3.6.1 directory cd WRFV3.6.1 23) Configure the file ./configure 24) You will be asked for your computer type 32 25) You will be asked about nesting, choose basic 1 26) compile WRF ./compile em_real >& compile.log 27) If WRF compiled correctly then you will see real.exe and wrf.exe (not blinking) when you type: cd test/em_real ls -l 28) Change into the WPS directory cd ~/WRF 29) Extract WPS tar -xvzf WPSV3.6.1.TAR.gz 30) Change into the WPS directory cd WPS 31) Configure WPS ./configure 32) You will be asked for computer type, choose 1 33) Edit your configure file vi configure.wps 34) edit line 34 from WRF_DIR = ../WRFV3 to: WRF_DIR = ../WRFV3.6.1 35) Save and close 36) Compile WPS ./compile 37) If WPS compiled correctly then you should see ALL three; met grid.exe, geogrid.exe, ungrib.exe Doneā€¦for now