Applied Geomorphology – Lessons learned from 20 years of practice

Matthias Jakob
Thursday, November 3, 2016 · 4:00 pm
ESB 5104-06
Hosted by
Scott McDougal

Life as a practicing geoscientist focusing on geohazards can be challenging. There is a daily struggle to predict the magnitude, frequency and intensity of events that are unthinkable to most including our clients, and then make educated decisions as to reduce the risk for such events.  As an intermediate step we are asked to declare if a site is safe or not, a decision we dread as it's not for us to make statements on acceptable landslide safety.  This talk will revolve around a few more involved case studies that highlight such difficulties and provide clues on how to address them. Examples will be from as far afield as Kyrgyzstan to as close as North Vancouver.