EOSC 322 · Metamorphic Petrology

Deciphering lithospheric processes as recorded by the mineralogy, chemistry and textures of metamorphosed rocks. [2-3-0] Prerequisite: EOSC 221.

Course Availability & Schedule

Learning Goals

  1. Explain how metamorphic processes form an integral part of plate tectonics and the rock cycle.
  2. Describe the primary variables that control metamorphism (P, T, fluid composition, rock composition). 
  3. Describe the important chemical reactions that occur in metamorphosed mudstones (pelites), carbonates, and mafic rocks.
  4. Identify and interpret metamorphic minerals and assemblages in hand sample and in thin section.
  5. Illustrate the importance of fluid infiltration and metasomatism in different tectonic settings. 
  6. Apply thermodynamic principles to extract quantitative information (P, T, t) from metamorphic rocks
  7. Compare and contrast metamorphism that occurs in regional, contact, and subduction zone settings.


Simon Peacock


Yardley, BWD and Warren, C (2021)  An Introduction to Metamorphic Petrology (2nd edition) Cambridge University Press

Lecture Topics

Week Topic Readings
1 Introduction, Driving Forces Chapter 1
2 Textures, Thermodynamics Chapter 2
3 Phase Rule, Phase diagrams Chapter 2
4 Thermobarometry, Metabasites I Chapter 3
5 Metabasites II, Mid-term exam 1 Chapter 3
6 Metapelites I, II Chapter 4
7 Midterm Break  
8 Metapelites III, Fluids + T-X diagrams Chapter 6
9 Calcareous rocks, ultramafic rocks Chapter 6
10 Mid-term exam 2, Mineral Growth Chapter 7,8
11 Geochronology, Contact metamorphism Chapter9
12 Subduction metamorphism, Orogenic belts Chapter 10
13 BC tectonics, metamorphism, ore deposits  


1 Rock & Minerals Review
2 Minerals & Textures
3 Metabasites
4 Metapelites
5 Calcareous rocks
6 Mylonites and migmatites
7 Ultramafic rocks
8 Lab final exam