Elise Marie Black Olson
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Dept. of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
University of British Columbia
Smith, WO, DJ McGillicuddy Jr., EB Olson, V Kosnyrev, EE Peacock, HM Sosik, 2016. Mesoscale variability in intact and ghost colonies of
Phaeocystis antarctica in the Ross Sea: Distribution and abundance.
Journal of Marine Systems, in press.
Olson, EM, DJ McGillicuddy Jr., GR Flierl, CS Davis, ST Dyhrman, JB Waterbury, 2015. Mesoscale eddies and
Trichodesmium spp. distributions in the southwestern North Atlantic.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 120(6), pp.4129-4150.
Olson, EM, DJ McGillicuddy Jr., ST Dyhrman, JB Waterbury, CS Davis, AR Solow, 2015. The depth-distribution of nitrogen fixation by
Trichodesmium spp. colonies in the tropical-subtropical North Atlantic.
Deep Sea Research Part I, 104, pp.72-91.
Hill, VJ, PA Matrai, E Olson, S Suttles, M Steele, LA Codispoti, RC Zimmerman, 2013. Synthesis of integrated primary production in the Arctic Ocean II.
In situ and remotely sensed estimates.
Progress in Oceanography, 110, pp.107-125.
Matrai, PA, E Olson, S Suttles, V Hill, LA Codispoti, B Light, M Steele, 2013. Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: I. Surface waters, 1954-2007.
Progress in Oceanography, 110, pp.93-106, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2012.11.004.