DATA (ASCII or EXCEL) & PROGRAMS (Matlab Scripts)

Giordano, D, Russell, J.K. & Dingwell, D. (2008)

Viscosity of Magmatic Liquids: A Model. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 271, 123-134.
MATLAB Scripts for GRD Model for Silicate Melt:
M-File for GRD MODEL: grdmodel08.m
Function for Mole Fractions: molefrac_grd.m
M-File for Constraining A-Qm-Tm: README FILE 2008
Data File: Test Data File

 Quane, S.L & Russell, J.K.(2004)

Ranking welding intensity in pyroclastic deposits. Bulletin of Volcanology 65, 129-143.

Data files: Excel

Edwards, B.R., Russell, J.K., and Anderson, R.G. (2002)

Subglacial, phonolitic volcanism at Hoodoo Mountain volcano, northern Canadian Cordillera. Bulletin of Volcanology 64, 254-272.
Data file: Excel PDF

Russell, J.K, Dipple. G.M. & Kopylova, M.G. (2001)

Heat flow and heat production in mantle lithosphere from the Slave craton: Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 123, 27-44.
MATLAB Scripts for Mantle Geotherm including:
Data File: ptdat
M-File for Constraining A-Qm: AQ2000.m
M-File for Constraining B-Qm: BQ2000.m
M-File for Constraining A-Qm-Tm:AQT2000.m
Statistical Routine (Needed): soln.m

Russell, J.K. & Hauksdottir, S. (2000)

Estimates of crustal assimilation in Quaternary lavas from the northern cordillera, British Columbia. Canadian Mineralogist, 39, 361-383.
MATLAB Script- Mass Balance Calc: MB2000.m
Data file: mb_in.dat
Goodness-of-fit Routine:GOF.m

Russell, J.K., Dipple, G.M., Lang, J.R. & Lueck, B. (1999)

Major element discrimination of titanian andradite from magmatic and
hydrothermal environments: An example from the Canadian cordillera. European Journal of Mineralogy 11, 919-935.
MATLAB Script for Thompson Component Representation of Ti-Andradite Solid Solutions: M-file
Data File: ASCII
Transformation Coefficients: ASCII
Appendix A:PDF
Appendix B: PDF

Russell, J.K. & Kopylova, M. G. (1999)

A steady-state conductive geotherm for the north central Slave, Canada: Inversion of petrological data from the Jericho kimberltie pipe. Journal of Geophysical Research 104, 7089-7101.
MATLAB Script for Crust-Mantle Model Geotherm: M-file
Data File: ASCII

Kopylova, M. G., Russell, J. K., and Cookenboo, H. (1999)

Petrology of peridotite and pyroxenite xenoliths from the Jericho kimberlite: Implications for thermal state of the mantle beneath the Slave craton, northern Canada. Journal of Petrology, 40, 79-104.
Mineral Compositions of coarse Spl-Gar peridotite: Excel
Mineral Compositions of coarse Gar peridotite: Excel
Mineral Compositions of porphyroclastic fluidal peridotite: Excel
Mineral Compositions of porphyroclastic non-fluidal peridotite: Excel
Mineral Compositions of pyroxenite and megacrysts: Excel
Calculated PT-array: Excel

Cui, Y. and Russell, J.K. (1995)

Magmatic origins of calc-alkaline intrusions from the coast plutonic complex, southwestern British Columbia. Canadian Journal Earth Sciences, 32, 1643-1667.
Whole Rock Compositions:ASCII
Zircon Saturation Calc: EXCEL


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