Sketching tool for assignments

NOTE: Complete the tasks described in your lab manual or assignment. Instructions below the sketching window only describe how to use it.

How to use the sketching window:

Hover your mouse over a tool for the tool-names referred to in these instructions.
  1. Clear button resets your work; Erase button removes portions of your work.
  2. If you zoom out, keyboard arrows will pan.
  3. Use stroke color button to pick a text color (eg blue).
  4. Set the stroke pen width using the "dot" buttons below the figure.
  5. Use text button to add text somewhere - e.g. your name in a blank area.
    (Follow directions under image when "text" button is selected).
  6. Use stroke color button again to pick a different color (eg red).
  7. Use Pencil, Line, Rectangle or Ellipse buttons to sketch as required by your assignment. Rectangle and ellipse are filled shapes with "stroke" colour boundaries and "fill" colour as fill.
  8. To save your result :
    1. Click Export as PNG button (under tools). This puts your result in a new browser tab.
    2. Use your browser to "Save as" or "Save Image As".
    3. PLEASE name this file with your name, assignment, step or part number and date so it is obvious what the image is all about: eg. "JaneDoe-Assig2-Part3-2022may05.png". Do NOT change the "png" part.
  9. Finally, deliver your image as part of your assignment as explained in your assignment instructions.

Once you have saved your image WITH FILE NAME AS INSTRUCTED ABOVE, you are done!

Creative Commons License Code adapted by F.Jones; assignment by L.Longridge.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.