ATSC 595D - Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (ADM)

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Max Points Assignment Comments
. Homeworks

Instructions: Write code in any language (python, R, matlab, fortran, excel, etc.) to perform the assigned calculations, and submit (via Canvas or email to Stull) your answers ALONG with your code.

Rubric: Grades based on accuracy, completeness, documentation, and clarity.

40 1 - Gaussian plume See instructions above.
50 2 - AERMOD Deardorff convective dispersion ditto
20 3 - Boundary layer similarity - sigma ditto
30 4 - HYSPLIT Lagrangian dispersion in 1-D ditto
50 5 - HYSPLIT Lagrangian spersion in 2-D ditto
50 6 - CALPUFF slugs ditto
65 7 - CMAQ smog chem ditto
35 8 - CMAQ - PPM advection ditto
. Class Presentations on Model Physics Rubric for class presentations.
20 AERMOD Each student presents their assigned portion of the model physics. Grades based on preparation, clarity, enthusiasm, loudness, integration into the whole model, ability of the other students to understand the concept, and timing. (See the rubric above.)
20 HYSPLIT ditto
20 CALPUFF ditto
20 CMAQ ditto
. Installing and Running Dispersion Models Rubric: Full marks if you submit the successfully completed case-study or sample run as assigned by the TA. Zero marks otherwise.
20 AERMOD Install and run the model for the assigned case study. (A detailed rubric will be provided later.)
20 HYSPLIT ditto
20 CALPUFF ditto
20 CMAQ ditto

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Last updated 27 Jan 2024.
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