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EOS-SEI: Curriculum development

Progress to December 2011

These data sets and reports are aimed at helping faculty, staff and students with discussions about curriculum renewal, including career advising.

Other resources and results:

Results of discussions with the Vancouver professional geophysics community, and returns from questionnaires, are summarized here. Geology and Geophysics curricula are (theoretically) under review, and this discussion and questionnaire served as a good trial of a larger similar initiative we intend to carry out in January 2010 with the larger geosciencnce community at Vancouver's annual "Roundup" conference and trade show.

After two terms of (nearly) weekly meetings, the Service Courses Curriculum Committee (S. Harris, M.L. Bevier, F. Jones) delivered recommendations to the Department at the annual Department retreat (PDF of presentation). Learning Goals for all Department service courses were defined. See . Some of the data considered when preparing this report were:

This summary of precedent (.doc format), and list of recommendations regarding goals and scope of curriculum reform, was delivered to the EOS Teaching Initiatives Committee in Sept. 2008.

Focus on curriculum, July 2008

We are addressing the challenging yet important aspect of curriculum by focussing upon specific components of the Department's curriculum separately, while maintaining the over-arching context of the Department's overall needs. A one page Proposal from the Teaching Initiatives Committee and the Curriculum Committee was prepared at the Department's annual retreat, April 2008. It includes short- medium- and long-term planning for curriculum revision and maintenance.

We hope to follow a process loosly based upon the model described in the "Handbook for Curriculum Assessment", 2006, Peter Wolf, Art Hill, Fred Evers, Teaching Support Services, University of Guelph. (Link to PDF at U. of Guelph). The data acquisition phase has begun, with interviews of faculty and TAs who are involved in teaching service courses, as well as students who have taken these courses. There are also results from End-Of-Term surveying and attitudinal assessments from many of these courses. Results of these data are being analyzed and configured for use in the next phase of curriculum discussions, which should involve both faculty and students. Options for how to proceed are expected to immerge from these data collection, analysis and discussion steps.

The 17 specific programs at EOS are:

Some indication of the complexity of the curriculum issue is provided by the following lists:

Potential scope of curriculum discussions:

What stake holders must be "satisfied", or at least involved?