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The EOAS-SEI:    "Raising the Standards in Undergraduate Education".

This newsletter aims to keep faculty, staff and students up to date with research, "best practices", curriculum or pedagogy; i.e. anything related to our mission specifically in our department.

Please contact EOAS-SEI people for details related to these newsletters, or with questions about undergraduate learning, courses or curriculum in our Department.

For subsequent editions please see
Vol 9, No. 02. (Nov 2016) How Learning Works: a short workshop for professionals.
Vol 9, No. 01. (Aug 2016) Paired Teaching for transfer to evidence-based pedagogy …
Vol 8, No. 02. (Sep 2015) How can we make good (and gradable) homework problems?
Vol 8, No. 01. (Jan 2015) Ten Tips for More Efficient and Effective Grading & Feedback
Vol 7, No. 04. (Sep 2014) Good and Bad Study Habits; from B. Oakley, 2014.
Vol 7, No. 03. (Mar 2014) All those surveys you’ve been helping us collect: … (with thanks!)
Vol 7, No. 02. (Feb 2014) Teaching Large Classes Part 2: Advantages and tips / tricks
Vol 7, No. 01. (Jan 2014) Teaching large classes; Challenges and solutions
Vol 6, No. 10. (Dec 2013) Snapshot of undergrad. education in EOAS, with thanks to everyone ...
Vol 6, No. 09. (Nov 2013) Logistics of Two Stage Exams: advice on how to run 2-stage exams.
Vol 6, No. 08. (Oct 2013) Midterm Course Adjustments: why, how, and some examples.
Vol 6, No. 07. (Aug 2013) Student Workloads … What’s Reasonable? Expected? Actual?.
Vol 6, No. 06. (June 2013) “InTeGrate”ing Engineering, Sustainability, and the Geosciences.
Vol 6, No. 05. (May 2013) Principles for activity design Part II.
Vol 6, No. 04. (Apr 2013) Principles for activity design Part I.
Vol 6, No. 03. (Mar 2013) Diagrams, Images, and Novices. Oh My!.
Vol 6, No. 02. (Feb 2013) Getting Help Reworking Your Courses: TAs and Course Development.
Vol 6, No. 01. (Jan 2013) Practices to avoid when implementing active learning.
Vol 5, No. 12. (Dec 2012) Taking on someone else’s course at short notice.
Vol 5, No. 11. (Nov 2012) Scientific and professional literature in undergraduate courses.
Vol 5, No. 10. (Oct 2012) So what actually goes on during EOAS classes?
Vol 5, No. 09. (Sept 2012) Can best tutoring practices be scaled up for “normal” teaching settings?
Vol 5, No. 08. (Aug 2012) Can students think (geologically) in 3-D?. (Visible Geology flyer.)
Vol 5, No. 07. (July 2012) Designing in-class, group-based worksheet activities. ( 2-pg version)
Vol 5, No. 06. (June 2012) Critical Thinking: What is It?
Vol 5, No. 05. (May 2012) What’s your ‘Learning Style’? More importantly: Does it matter?.
Vol 5, No. 04. (Apr 2012) Voices of students in "transformed" courses.
Vol 5, No. 03. (Mar 2012) Multiple Choice Questions: challenges and opportunities.
Vol 5, No. 02. (Feb 2012) How Can a Learning Management System Help You?
Vol 5, No. 01. (Jan 2012) An Instructor's Clicker Cheat Sheet
Vol 4, No. 12. (Dec 2011) Student Projects in EOS; successes, benefits and challenges.
Vol 4, No. 11. (Nov 2011) What instructors should know about memory (summarized article).
Vol 4, No. 10. (Oct 2011) How well did your midterm or exam “work” ?
Vol 4, No. 9. (Sept. 2011) Free Consulting: how can you gain from small EOS-SEI projects?
Vol 4, No. 8. (Aug. 2011) How can YOU benefit from colleagues’ course transformations work?
Vol 4, No. 7. (July 2011) Checklist for Starting of Term. Note: this will save time and anxiety!
Vol 4, No. 6. (June 2011) What do students know before starting your course?
Vol 4, No. 5. (May. 2011) Student evaluations of teaching; How have "transformed" courses fared?
Vol 4, No. 4. (Apr. 2011) Clickers: continuing to improve for next year
Vol 4, No. 3. (Mar. 2011) What Your Colleagues Said (about work with EOS-SEI)
Vol 4, No. 2. (Feb. 2011) What do Students Know? ... Learn? Egs from mineralogy & petrology
Vol 4, No. 1. (Jan. 2011) Using Group Exams In Your Classes
Vol 3, No. 4. (Nov. 2010) Some students don't know how to study So train them.
Vol 3, No. 3. (Sep. 2010) EOS Course and Education Update: It’s been a busy summer
Vol 3, No. 2. (Mar. 2010) PostLecture Interviews: Fast, Cheap Data about Your Course
Vol 3, No. 1. (Jan. 2010) Multiple Instructors in EOS courses; can we do better?
Vol 2, No. 8. (Nov. 2009) Geoscience Education News from G.S.A. 2009.
Vol 2, No. 7. (Sep. 2009) Resources for all Faculty, and project update.
Vol 2, No. 6. (Jul. 2009) Quantifying Student Attitudes in EOS - a SAESS project update.
Vol 2, No. 5. (Jun. 2009) Department feedback about EOS-SEI.
Vol 2, No. 4. (Apr 2009) Can students get better at thinking about how they think?
Vol 2, No. 3. (Mar. 2009) What Do Students Learn in EOS Courses? (And how you can tell!)
Vol 2, No. 2. (Feb. 2009) Assessments That Support Student Learning.
Vol 2, No. 1. (Jan. 2009) Making the most of Midterm Course Feedback Surveys.
Vol 1, No. 5. (Dec. 2008) Making the Most Out of the First Day of Class.
Vol 1, No. 4. (Nov. 2008) Classroom observations; Quantifying student engagement in class.
Vol 1, No. 3. (Sept. 2008) Writing Learning Goals for Courses: one faculty member's view"
Vol 1, No. 2. (Aug. 2008) Student Attitude Survey EOSSEI
Vol 1, No. 1. (Jul. 2008) Student performance after in-class activities in a large course.