Research   >   EOS-SEI   >   Teaching Assistants

EOS-SEI: Teaching Assistants

A primary EOS-SEI objective is to enable, facilitate, and support faculty and teaching assistants (TAs) to follow best practices that foster optimal performance of all the undergraduate students we teach. Two aspects are:

1. Supporting TAs directly in the actual work they do

Most graduate students serve as teaching assistants sometime during their time in our Department. Typical roles include running labs, marking lab and other assignments, providing feedback on these and other examples of student work, holding office hours for 1-on-1 support of students, helping with active aspects within a class, and others. EOS-SEI is working on sustainable (i.e. after EOS-SEI) ways to help graduate students carry out their jobs as effectively and efficiently as possible. Initiatives include:

2. A geoscience education course for graduate students and teaching assistants (TAs)

EOSC 516, Teaching and Learning in the Earth and Ocean Sciences, is now taken regularly by 10-20 graduate students each year. Training graduate students in best teaching practices will not only help our undergraduates and faculty, but will also improve the effectivness of teaching that graduate students do when they finish their degrees. Development work and teaching of this course has been lead by Brett Gilley, and the start-up of this course was support by UBC's Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (now CTLT)). For more details, including people involved, see the TA training project outline page.