ATSC 113    Applied Meteorology
Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports



Point Diagrams

The Point diagram shows the max points that you can earn from each assignment.  At the end of term, we add all of your points to get your raw point total.  The maximum point total in the course is 1000. Your points are then scaled (divided by 10) to get a preliminary percentage score for the course.  For example, 1000 points yields 100%, and 800 points yields 80%.

To pass this online course, you must earn a course percentage grade of 50% or higher AND pass the "individual" portion of the final exam with a percentage grade of 50% or higher.  See details of "Requirements to Pass the Course" at the end of this web page.

Point diagram:

All required readings, assignments, quizzes, and midterm exams are online , except the Final Exam.  See more info about exams below.  Here are links to Quiz Tips and  Exam Tips.

Details of Max Possible Points:

a. Orientation
(max possible raw marks) =  (3 marks in Step3) + (roughly 43 marks in 4 quizzes) + (12 marks in Step6) + (6 marks in Step10).
All your marks in the orientation are summed, and divided by (the max possible marks) to give a percentage.  This percentage is multipled by 5 (the orientation weight) to give the raw points that you earned for the orientation activities. 

b. Raw Point Table for Modules A-C in Flying Weather and Snow-Sports Weather:
Max Points
3 (questions to ask)
4 (quizzes on weather)
6 (Reasoning 6 points + Decision 6 points)
10 (reflection & application)
* Different modules have different numbers of quiz questions in Step 4. Your raw points for Step 4 equals the number shown in the table above times the percentage correct of all your Step 4-quiz questions combined.

c. Raw Point Info for Module D in Flying and Snow Sports Weather:
Your points for Step 4 equals (15 points) times the percentage correct of all your Step-4 quiz questions combined.  The midterm exam is worth 100 points.

d. Raw Point Table for Modules A-C in Sailing Weather
Max Points
3 (questions to ask) 3
4 (quizzes on weather) 17*
6 (Reasoning 8 points + Decision 8 points) 16
10 (reflection & application) 8
* Different modules have different numbers of quiz questions in Step 4.  Your points for Step 4 equals the number shown in the table above times the percentage correct of all your Step-4 quiz questions combined. 

e. Raw Point Info for Module D in Sailing Weather:
Your points for Step 4 equals (20 points) times the percentage correct of all your Step-4 quiz questions combined. No midterm exam.

f. Raw Point Info for Applied Weather:
Step 3 is worth 3 marks.  Your points for Step 4 equals 37 points times the percentage correct of all your Step-4 quiz questions combined. 

g. Raw Point Info for the ePortfolio:
The ePortfolio term project is worth 55 points. 

h. Raw Points for the Final Exam:
280 points for the individual portion of the exam, plus 40 points for the group portion of the exam.

As indicated in the point diagram, all the raw points are summed to a maximum 1000 points.  The sum is divided by 10 to give your overall course average.  CAUTION, your course grade depends on both the course average and your score on the individual final exam.  See details in the Requirements to Pass the Course section near the end of this web page.

Rubrics for Grading Steps 3, 6 & 10.

"Old.Quiz" and "New.Quiz" in Canvas

Canvas has two different quiz tools:  "Old.Quiz"  and "New.Quiz" .   Although "New.Quiz" is a new tool and still has bugs, it allows me to award more marks to you.

Note that in Canvas, “New.Quiz” was formerly known as “Quiz.Next”, and that “Classic.Quiz” was formerly known as “Quiz”.

   Here is an overview of the quizzes used in this course.
For more info on summative vs. formative assessments, see .

ePortfolio term assignment in Canvas

The ePortfolio is a term assignment where you create a web page with weather information and links that are relevant to a sport, activity, or business of your choosing.  All the details about the ePortfolio assignment are found here:

Midterm Exams

The 2 Midterm Exams are done online. These multiple choice questions are automatically marked by the computer.  Only one best answer for each question. (1 mark for each correct response; 0 for incorrect responses). Total possible marks depends on the number of questions asked.  The result is scaled into a percentage and applied to the points possible for that exam (see point tables above).  Midterm exams are done by each student individually - - there is NO group component to the midterms.  The midterm exams focus on the meteorological learning goals, not the case studies.

Final Exam

On-Campus Final Exam.

For the final exam, there is only one best answer for each question. (1 mark for each correct response; 0 for incorrect responses). Total possible marks depends on the number of questions asked.  The result is scaled into a percentage and applied to the points possible for that exam (see point table above).

The On-Campus Final Exam date and time will be scheduled by UBC Exam Services near the middle of term.
Students write the final exam in-person, in a UBC classroom, invigilated in-person by course instructors and TAs. You will have an exam booklet with exam questions. You enter your answers on a bubble sheet by filling in the circle corresponding to the best answer for each question.

NOTE: The final exam has two parts, a component that you do INDIVIDUALLY and then turn in,  AND an additional GROUP component that you work on in teams of 4 students each. You write both portions during the same 2.5 hour final-exam period as scheduled by UBC.  The individual portion is the first 90 minutes (= 1.5 hours) of the exam period. Then, after a 10 minute health break, is the 50 minute group portion of the exam.

The individual portion counts 87.5% toward your final-exam grade, the group portion counts for the remaining 12.5% of the final exam grade.  (However, see the section below about "Requirements to pass the course".)  The group exam asks the same questions as the individual exam.

If you are sick on final exam day, do not attend the exam. You must follow up with your home faculty's advising office to apply for deferred standing: .

Students who are granted deferred standing write the final exam at a later date. If you're a Science student, you must apply for deferred standing (an academic concession) through Science Advising no later than 48 hours after the missed final exam. Learn more and find the application online: .

For additional information about academic concessions, see the UBC policy here:,329,0,0 .

Policy on Missed Assignments

Requirements to Pass the Course

To pass the course, you must:
The way this is implemented is as follows. 
Students often ask us why they must pass the individual portion of the final exam.  This requirement applies to most of the online / distance-education courses at UBC, regardless of the department and course number.  The reason is that we instructors are unable to verify that the person who does online work is the actual student who registered for the course.  Only during the final exam do we meet each student, check their ID, and verify that the registered student is the person who is writing the exam.  Because the final exam is comprehensive (covers all the learning goals in all themes), this ensures that the actual person who registered for the course has learned the material.

UBC ATSC 113 Weather for Sailing, Flying & Snow Sports
Copyright © 2015 - 2024 by Roland Stull
Last modification: 1 May 2024