Calendar Description:
ATSC 201 (3 credits) The Meteorology of Storms.
Characteristics and physical processes of thunderstorms, tornadoes,
lightning, hail, hurricanes, blizzards, cyclones and other storms.
Prerequisite: completion of first year science. [3-0-0]
Storms are organized systems involving
You will study storms of a wide range of temporal and spatial scales:
You will learn:
...via your study of
To detect, track, report, and forecast storms, you will learn some of the meteorological tools:
... and in-class tutorials & on-line weather briefings demonstrate other tools:
All of this is not just a superficial descriptive overview, but you will gain a quantitative familiarity with the equations that describe the:
… of storms via:
You also can contemplate the broader issues and philosophy of doing science via:
You will refine your ability to approach & solve scientific problems
Most importantly, we will studied the beauty, power, and destructiveness of storms, via:
. . • YouTube videos,
. . . • web images and slide shows, and
. . . . • weather briefings.
You will learn safe ways to chase storms & photograph them, and will learn about resources available on the web.
Web links above [Home | Assignments, etc.] include important information for this course, and should used continuously during the term. These links are found on each of the ATSC 201 web pages. The web links below [Atmos.Sci.Prog. | Weather Web Sites, etc.] give other weather info that you might enjoy.
[ Consider ATSC as a major | Atmospheric Science Program | UBC 2-day Forecasts | UBC 7-day Forecasts | Prof. Stull's Research Team ]