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Journal Article
Weis D, Liégeois JP, Javoy M. 1986. The Timedjealen alkaline ring-complex and related N/1bS dyke swarms (Adrar des Iforas, Mali)—A Pb/1bSr/1bO isotopic study. Chemical geology.
Kennedy B.M, Jellinek A.M, Russell J.K, Nichols A.RL, Vigouroux N.. 2010. Time-and temperature-dependent conduit wall porosity: A key control on degassing and explosivity at Tarawera volcano, New Zealand. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. 299:126-137.
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Wenzel MJ, Manga M, Jellinek A.M. 2004. Tharsis as a consequence of Mars' dichotomy and layered mantle. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 31
J Viruete E, Contreras F, Joubert M, Urien P, Stein G, Wise S, Pérez-Estaún A. 2007. Tectónica y geoqu{ímica de la Formación Amina: registro del arco isla Caribeño primitivo en la Cordillera Central, República Dominicana. Bolet{ín geológico y minero. 118:221–242.
Lenardic A., Jellinek A.M. 2009. Tails of two plume types in one mantle. GEOLOGY. 37:127-130.
Jackson J.M, Allen S.E, Carmack E.C, McLaughlin F.A. 2010. Suspended particles in the Canada Basin from optical and bottle data, 2003-2008. OCEAN SCIENCE. 6:799-813.
Kennedy BM, Wadsworth FB, Vasseur J, C. Schipper I, Jellinek A.M, von Aulock FW, Hess K-U, J. Russell K, Lavallee Y, Nichols ARL et al.. 2016. Surface tension driven processes densify and retain permeability in magma and lava. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. 433:116-124.
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Wise S, Demaiffe D, Cauet S, Javoy M. 1987. Sr, Nd, O and H isotopic ratios in Ascension Island lavas and plutonic inclusions; cogenetic origin. Earth and planetary science letters. 82:255–268.
Weis D, Demaiffe D, Cauet S, Javoy M. 1987. Sr, Nd, O and H isotopic ratios in Ascension Island lavas and plutonic inclusions; cogenetic origin. Earth and planetary science letters.
Drevnick PE, Cooke CA, Barraza D, Blais JM, Coale KH, Cumming BF, Curtis CJ, Das B, Donahue WF, Eagles-Smith CA et al.. 2016. Spatiotemporal patterns of mercury accumulation in lake sediments of western North America. Science of the Total Environment. 568:1157–1170.
Lenardic A., Crowley J.W, Jellinek A.M, Weller M.. 2016. The Solar System of Forking Paths: Bifurcations in Planetary Evolution and the Search for Life-Bearing Planets in Our Galaxy. ASTROBIOLOGY. 16:551-559.
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Jellinek A.M, Bercovici D. 2011. Seismic tremors and magma wagging during explosive volcanism. NATURE. 470:522-U109.
Drevnick PE, Cooke CA, Barraza D, Blais JM, Coale KH, Cumming BF, Curtis CJ, Das B, Donahue WF, Eagles-smith CA et al.. 2016. Science of the Total Environment Spatiotemporal patterns of mercury accumulation in lake sediments of western North America. Science of the Total Environment.
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Wise S, Garcia MO, J Rhodes M, Jellinek A.M, Scoates JS. 2011. Role of the deep mantle in generating the compositional asymmetry of the Hawaiian mantle plume. Nature Geoscience. 4:831–838.
Weis D, Garcia MO, Rhodes JM, Jellinek M,. 2011. Role of the deep mantle in generating the compositional asymmetry of the Hawaiian mantle plume. Nature ….
Carazzo G., Jellinek A.M, Turchyn A.V. 2013. The remarkable longevity of submarine plumes: Implications for the hydrothermal input of iron to the deep-ocean. EARTH AND PLANETARY SCIENCE LETTERS. 382:66-76.
Thayalan V., Jellinek A.M, Lenardic A.. 2006. Recycling the lid: Effects of subduction and stirring on boundary layer dynamics in bottom-heated planetary mantle convection. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 33
Masson-Delmotte V., Steen-Larsen H.C, Ortega P., Swingedouw D., Popp T., Vinther B.M, Oerter H., Sveinbjornsdottir A.E, Gudlaugsdottir H., Box J.E et al.. 2015. Recent changes in north-west Greenland climate documented by NEEM shallow ice core data and simulations, and implications for past-temperature reconstructions. The Cryosphere. 9:1481–1504.
