Awards, Scholarships & Jobs

Find funding and research-skill development opportunities within EOAS, including awards, scholarships, work-learn, co-op, and volunteering.


The generosity of our alumni allows us to offer more than $60,000 annually in merit-based awards to outstanding undergraduate students. More than 40 students receive awards each year, with top students receiving awards over $7,000 each.


Most department scholarships are designated for students in Geological Sciences, Geophysics, and Geological Engineering specializations/programs. There are some awards tenable by students in Environmental Sciences, Oceanography, and Earth & Ocean Sciences specializations. All continuing students registered in these programs are considered for awards; formal application is not required for most of them.

Departmental awards are available only to continuing UBC students, including students in Geological Engineering who completed their 1st year at UBC Okanagan. Students transferring from a college or another 4-year university into a Geology or Geological Engineering specialization/program at UBC may be eligible for Aho Entrance Scholarships. Outstanding students who enter UBC directly from Grade 12 or from another post-secondary institution may be considered for UBC President’s Entrance Scholarships, handled by Enrolment Services. Go Global and Exchange students are ineligible.

UBC regulations require that you attain a minimum average of 75% for a full course load of 24 credits minimum per Winter Session and have no failed courses. Additionally, a student must take a minimum of 24 credits in the Winter Session in which they receive the award. (Exception: in your final year, if you are taking less than 24 credits because that is all that you need to graduate, you are eligible to receive scholarships proportional to the number of credits that you are taking as long as you take a minimum of 12 credits). The value of an award depends on the student's relative standing and the total number of students who qualify in a given year.

Co-op students and leave of absence

If you spent one or more terms away from your studies at UBC and you think that you may be eligible for a scholarship when you return, you must contact the Undergraduate Awards Officer prior to the end of August to indicate your eligibility. Co-op students must be registered in a minimum of 15 credits including a Co-op Work Placement course.

Transfer students and continuing UBC students registering in a Geology, Geophysics, or Geological Engineering program for the first time

If you think that you may be eligible for a scholarship, you should advise the Undergraduate Awards Officer of your intentions in writing before the end of August. Any college or university transfer student who is applying for an Aho Entrance Scholarship should include a transcript of your courses from the transferring institution along with one or two sentences describing your field of interest in geology.

Undergraduate Awards Officer: 
Dr. Lori Kennedy
Email: lkennedy AT
Telephone: 604-822-1811

Bursaries and prizes awarded on the basis of a variety of criteria, including outstanding performance in a particular course or field of interest, involvement in student/department affairs, and/or overall qualities of leadership and character. Some of these awards are available to students who do not meet the academic standards to qualify for a scholarship. Calls for these applications are distributed by e-mail through the academic year.

Students in EOAS 400-level research courses receive funds towards their projects.

  • Each student enrolled in an EOSC, ENVR, or ATSC Thesis course is eligible for $100 towards research expenses.
  • An allocation up to a total of $50 per student enrolled is available for research expenses in group research projects for EOSC 445 and ENVR 400. For these group projects, the course instructor determines eligible expenses and students submit receipts directly to the course instructor, who will file an expense claim and reimburse students.
  • If you are undertaking a Directed Study research project you may receive up to $50 for eligible research expenses; they must see the Associate Head of Undergraduate Affairs to discuss their project and to receive authorization.

UBC Student Services manages university-wide awards, scholarships, and bursaries. Awards and scholarships are merit-based, whereas bursaries are need-based.

Research Awards

Research awards and travel funding rules and availability vary year by year so please consider details carefully and discuss options with your advisor.

1.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Undergraduate Student Research Award (NSERC USRA)

  • Through these awards, NSERC subsidizes eligible professors to hire students to work on their research projects. The program creates interesting research-related jobs and gives students the opportunity to gain valuable work experience. The awards are aimed at students who are interested in pursuing graduate studies and a career in research.
  • NSERC provides a $6000 subsidy to a faculty member to hire the student.
  • Only Canadian permanent residents and citizens are eligible for this award.
  • Other information on eligibility and award conditions can be found at NSERC, Student Services, and Student Services for Faculty and Staff.

2.Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Award

  • These research awards are dedicated to international undergraduate students. They are similar to NSERC USRAs in that the program provides the opportunity for students to work on research projects.
  • The Faculty of Science provides a $6000 subsidy to a faculty member to hire the student.
  • Only international students are eligible for this award.
  • Other information on the eligibility and award conditions can be found at Student Services.

3.Science Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Award

  • These research awards are similar to the NSERC USRA and Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Awards in that they provide the opportunity for students to work on research projects.
  • These awards are open to both domestic and international UBC Vancouver students.
  • The Faculty of Science provides a $3000 subsidy to a faculty member to hire the student (2019 and 2020).
  • Only BSc students are eligible for this award. BASc students are not eligible.
  • There is no formal application for SURE awards; NSERC USRA and Work Learn International applicants who do not receive those awards will be automatically considered for SURA awards.

Canadian citizens and permanent residents

You are eligible for the NSERC USRA and the SURE Awards. You need only apply for the NSERC USRA award; applicants who do not receive an NSERC USRA are automatically considered for the SURE Awards.

International students

BSc students are eligible for the Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Award and SURE Award. You need only apply for the Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Award award; applicants who do not receive an NSERC USRA are automatically considered for the SURE Awards.

If you are an international student and do not have a Canadian SIN, you must have obtained one before you begin your work tenure as an award recipient. Therefore, if you do not have a SIN, please obtain one as soon as possible. Instructions can be found here.

BASc Students

If you are not in the Faculty of Science (e.g., you are in Applied Science), you are not eligible for the SURE Award. Geological Engineering students are in the Faculty of Applied Science.


  1. NSERC website. You will need to upload a copy (front and back) of your official transcript.
  2. Have your proposed faculty supervisor complete Form 202 – Part II NSERC website. You are responsible for seeking out a faculty supervisor.
  3. Email a completed copy of both forms to Kimberly Tietjen, Administrative & Office Assistant < >.

Work Learn International Undergraduate Research Award/SURE Award

Email a copy of the application forms (Part I for students, and Part II for supervisors) and a copy of your official transcripts to Kimberly Tietjen (, Administrative & Office Assistant. You are responsible for seeking out a faculty supervisor.

Travel Funding

The URTF provides support for undergraduate students to present original EOAS scientific research at a conference.


  • Students must be registered in an EOAS undergraduate specialization
  • Students must be presenting original EOAS scientific research
  • Eligible expenses include
    • travel (economy airfare or other public transport, vehicle rental, or mileage at approved rates)
    • accommodation
    • conference registration
    • meals


  • Proof of event registration must be provided
  • Students may claim up to $100 towards conference registration and up to $200 towards conference travel. For the Chevron SEG/CSEG award, $500 is available.
  • Students can claim expenses from this fund only once during their undergraduate career in the department
  • Completed claims must be submitted to the Undergraduate Coordinator for approval and processing within three months of incurring the expense(s).
  • Claims will not be accepted from students no longer registered or on leave of absence.
  • Original receipts (not credit card receipts) including airline boarding passes are required.


Submit an Application for the Undergraduate Research Travel Fund and an EOAS Expense Claim Worksheet to the Undergraduate Coordinator (Ian Ayers, in ESB Room 2020-2207 Main Mall along with any of the following that apply:

  • original receipts
  • airline boarding passes
  • a note of your abstract/poster acceptance
  • confirmation of conference or short course registration

Work or volunteer in EOAS

Excited to engage in your Earth, Oceans or Atmospheric discipline and community? Check out some of the opportunities!

Work a real job for one or more full terms, in your chosen field. Co-op opportunities for EOAS students are managed by the UBC Science Co-op office – “where passion meets experience”.

There are usually several “Work Learn” part time employment opportunities within EOAS. These provide supervised, paid jobs enabling you to contribute to research, outreach, educational development or other projects. These typically involve 10 hours per week during fall and winter terms, or 20 hours per week during summer, with a total of up to 300 hours per appointment. These jobs require a normal application procedure that is arranged through the UBC Work Learn Program.

Interested in other opportunities of doing undergraduate research, on-campus jobs and more? Check out UBC experiences to learn more!

There are also a number of involvement and leader opportunities at UBC, including Peer programs, community experiences, student leadership conferences, journalism, and career help. Check out UBC experiences to learn more!

Volunteer within EOAS or at the Pacific Museum of Earth for fun, experience (great on a CV!) and to engage in the EOAS community at your own pace. Ask at the EOAS inquiries desk (, contact the PME director (, meet with our advisor, ask a professor, or discuss with your peers in one of the EOAS undergraduate clubs.

Have a question?

If after reading this page and the above websites you have questions, please contact Inquiries, at