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Skierszkan E, Mayer U, Beckie R, Weis D. Submitted. Tracking the Fate of Metals in Mining Waste Rock Using M etal Stable Isotopes.
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Williams R.L, Mayer K.U, Amos R.T, Blowes D.W, Ptacek C.J, Bain J.G. 2007. Using dissolved gas analysis to investigate the performance of an organic carbon permeable reactive barrier for the treatment of mine drainage. APPLIED GEOCHEMISTRY. 22:90-108.
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Garcia M, Ito G, Wise S, Geist D, Swinnard L, Bianco T, Flinders A, Taylor B, Appelgate B, Blay C et al.. 2008. Widespread Secondary Volcanism Near Northern Hawaiian Islands. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 89:542–543.
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