During the past few years my research has focussed increasingly on resource/reserve estimation, particularly, integration of geology into the procedures, the practical uses of data evaluation techniques and the development of both philosophy and methodology in quality control. This work has involved graduate students, research assistants and members of industry and has led to a number of refereed publications listed elsewhere. The following graduate level theses have been completed recently under my direction:
- Bell, Cameron, 1999, Origin of sulphides associated with the Spy Sill, Klu property, Kluane belt, southwestern Yukon, M. Sc. Thesis, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, UBC, 141 p. plus appendices.
- Postolski, Tomasz, 1998, Some improved approaches to mineral inventory estimation of porphyry-type mineral deposits; M. A. Sc. Thesis, Geological Engineering, UBC, 219 p.
Research Team
- A. Bentzen: computer programmer/research assistant.
Ph.D. (UBC), P.Eng., P.Geo.