Understanding the geology and emplacement of kimberlites and related rocks is the foundation of exploration for, and mining of, primary diamond deposits. This requires the investigation of many rocks (outcrops, mining exposures, drillcores, hand samples and thin/polished thin sections). Augmenting such work undertaken by the diamond industry with joint detailed and diverse research projects at UBC (e.g. emplacement, volcanology, igneous and mantle petrology, geochemistry, experimental) can enhance the development of the 3D geological models that form the basis of economic assessments. Also comparing and contrasting the geological models of the many kimberlites that have been evaluated in the last few decades across Canada and the world provide useful guidelines for the investigation of new discoveries.
Kimberlites are complex unusual rocks which have unique properties that require a special pathway to understanding them. Ongoing research with numerous publications including the following topics:
- Petrogenetic classification of kimberlites and related rocks to improve the recognition of rocks with economic potential
-Textural-genetic classification of primary diamond deposits to improve the understanding of emplacement and the effect on diamond distributions
have culminated in the publication with seven other experts including Professor Kelly Russell of UBC of the three part A Glossary of Kimberlite and Related Terms.
The Glossary is a comprehensive handbook for geologists in both the diamond industry and academia which provides a standard approach through rationalised terminology and a practical framework for the progressive investigation and interpretation of kimberlites.
Research Areas
- Geology
BSc (Hons) University of Edinburgh (Geology)
PhD University of Edinburgh (Geology)
1977 - 1981
Principal Research Mineralogist, Anglo American Research Laboratories, Johannesburg and De Beers Kimberlite Petrology Unit, Kimberley, South Africa
1982 - Present
Scott-Smith Petrology Inc. President and Principal Consultant, Vancouver, Canada
2000 - present
Adjunct Professor, UBC, Canada
SCOTT SMITH B.H., NOWICKI T.E., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J., MITCHELL R.H., HETMAN C.M., SKINNER E.M.W. and ROBEY J.V., 2018. A Glossary of Kimberlite and Related Terms. Published by Scott-Smith Petrology Inc., North Vancouver, Canada. 3 Parts, 259pp.
HETMAN C., SCOTT SMITH B., ROBEY J., NKOTSI T., MOHAPI M. and MOHAPI T., 2018. Letšeng Diamond Mine, Lesotho: A Variant of Kimberley-type Pyroclastic Kimberlite Emplacement. Proceedings Volumes of the 11th International Kimberlite Conference. Mineralogy and Petrology, 112 (Suppl 2), S365-S382).
MITCHELL and SCOTT SMITH B.H., 2017. Mineralogy of Kimberley-type Pyroclastic Kimberlite and the Transition to Hypabyssal Kimberlite. 11th International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstract No. 11IKC-4572, 3 pages.
MOHAPI M., HETMAN C., ROBEY J., SCOTT SMITH B. and NKOTSI T., 2017. Letšeng Diamond Mine, Lesotho: Recent Advances in the Open Pit Geology of the Main Kimberlite Pipe. 11th International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstract No. 11IKC-4661. 3 pages.
NKOTSI T., HETMAN C., ROBEY J., SCOTT SMITH B. and MOHAPI M., 2017. Letšeng Diamond Mine, Lesotho: Recent Advances in the Open Pit Geology of the Satellite Kimberlite Pipe. 11th International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstract No. 11IKC-4685, 3 pages.
HETMAN C., SCOTT SMITH B., ROBEY J., NKOTSI T., MOHAPI M. and MOHAPI T., 2017. Letšeng Diamond Mine, Lesotho: A Variant of Kimberley-type Pyroclastic Kimberlite Emplacement. 11th International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstract No. 11IKC-4688. 3 pages.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., 2017. Kimberlites – from Mantle to Mine. 11th International Kimberlite Conference Extended Abstract No. 11IKC-4914. 3 pages.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., NOWICKI T.E., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J., MITCHELL R.H., HETMAN C.M., HARDER M., SKINNER E.M.W. and ROBEY J.V., 2014. Kimberlites: terminology: What’s in a word? Extended Abstract, Kimberley Diamond Symposium, Kimberley, South Africa, September 2014.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2013. A rationalisation of kimberlite terminology and classification. Notes for University of British Columbia, Mineral Deposit Research Unit Short Course 72: Hot topics in kimberlite petrology in the context on modern volcanic rocks, 26th January 2013. 16 pages.
HILCHIE L., PELL P., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and RUSSELL J.K. 2013. The CH-6 kimberlite, Canada: Textural and mineralogical features and their relevance to volcanic facies and magma batch interpretation. Short Abstract for the Joint Annual Meeting of the Geological Association of Canada and the Mineralogical Association of Canada, May 2013, Winnipeg, Canada.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., NOWICKI T.E., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J., MITCHELL R.H., HETMAN C.M., HARDER M., SKINNER E.M.W. and ROBEY J.V., 2013. Kimberlite Terminology and Classification. Proceedings of the 10th International Kimberlite Conference. Special Issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India, Volume 2, 1-17. Springer India.
WOOD B.D., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and RAMESEDER B., 2013. The Victor Diamond Mine, northern Ontario, Canada: Successful mining of a reliable resource. Proceedings of the 10th International Kimberlite Conference. Special Issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India, Volume 2, 19-33. Springer India.
MUNTENER C. and SCOTT SMITH B.H., 2013. Economic geology of Renard 3, Quebec, Canada: A diamondiferous, multi-phase pipe infilled with hypabyssal and tuffisitic kimberlite. Proceedings of the 10th International Kimberlite Conference. Special Issue of the Journal of the Geological Society of India, Volume 2, 241-256. Springer India.
MITCHELL R.H., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and SKINNER E.M.W., 2012. Mineralogy of magmaclasts and interclast matrices of Kimberley-type pyroclastic kimberlites from the Kao, Letseng-La-Terae, Lethlakane and Premier kimberlite pipes in southern Africa. 10th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 10IKC-A-094, 5 pages.
MUNTENER C. and SCOTT SMITH B.H., 2012. Economic geology of Renard 3, Quebec, Canada: A diamondiferous, multi-phase pipe infilled with hypabyssal and tuffisitic kimberlite. 10th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 10IKC-A-031, 5 pages.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., NOWICKI T.E., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J., MITCHELL R.H., HETMAN C.M., HARDER M., SKINNER E.M.W. and ROBEY J.V., 2012. Kimberlites terminology and classification. 10th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 10IKC-A-226, 5 pages.
WOOD B.D., RAMESEDER B. and SCOTT SMITH B.H., 2012. The Victor Diamond Mine, northern Ontario, Canada: Successful mining of a reliable resource. 10th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 10IKC-A-166, 5 pages.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2011. A rare occurrence of a crater-filling clastogenic extrusive coherent kimberlite, Victor Northwest kimberlite, northern Ontario, Canada. Bulletin of Volcanology 73, 1047-1062.
MOSS S., RUSSELL J.K., SCOTT SMITH B.H., BRETT R.C. 2010. Olivine crystal size distributions in kimberlite. America Mineralogist 93, 527-536.
KOPYLOVA M.G., MOGG, T., SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2010. Mineralogy of the Snap Lake kimberlite, Northwest Territories, Canada, and compositions of phlogopite as records of its crystallisation. Canadian Mineralogist. 48, 549-570.
SCOTT SMITH, B.H. 2010a. The Economic Implications of Kimberlite Emplacement. Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, 2010 International Convention, Technical Session – Diamonds: a return from the depths. Short Abstract.
SCOTT SMITH, B.H. 2010b. After the Canadian Diamond Rush: Insights into Kimberlites and their Evaluation. The 39th Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, November 2010, Yellowknife, Canada. Keynote Talk Short Abstract.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and SMITH S.C.S. 2009. The economic implications of kimberlite emplacement. Proceedings of the Ninth International Kimberlite Conference. Lithos 112 Supplement 1, 10-22.
HARDER M., SCOTT SMITH B.H., HETMAN C.M. and PELL J. 2009. The evolution of geological models for the DO-27 kimberlite, NWT, Canada: Implications for evaluation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Kimberlite Conference. Lithos 112 Supplement 1, 61-72.
MITCHELL R.H., SKINNER E.M.W and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2009. Tuffisitic kimberlites from the Wesselton Mine, South Africa: Mineralogical characteristics relevant to their formation. Proceedings of the Ninth International Kimberlite Conference. Lithos 112 Supplement 1, 452-464.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2009. Stratigraphy of the intra-crater volcaniclastic deposits of the Victor Northwest kimberlite, northern Ontario, Canada. Proceedings of the Ninth International Kimberlite Conference. Lithos 112 Supplement 1, 488-500.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. The Fort à la Corne kimberlites, Saskatchewan, Canada: Geology, Emplacement and Economics. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 91, p. 11-55.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. Introduction to kimberlites. Short Course Notes: Kimberlites – Geological Principles Relevant to Evaluation, Resource Classification and Mining. Mineral Exploration Round Up 08, Vancouver, Canada, 21 pp.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. The economic implications of kimberlite emplacement. Short Course Notes: Kimberlites – Geological Principles Relevant to Evaluation, Resource Classification and Mining. Mineral Exploration Round Up 08, Vancouver, Canada, 16 pp.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. Canadian kimberlites: geological characteristics relevant to emplacement. Proceedings of the 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, Saskatoon, Canada. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 174, p. 9-19.
MASUN K.M. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. The Pimenta Bueno kimberlite field, Rondonia, Brazil: Tuffisitic kimberlite and transitional textures. Proceedings of the 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, Saskatoon, Canada. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 174, p. 81-89.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. Discrimination of diamond resource and non-resource domains in the Victor North pyroclastic kimberlite, Canada. Proceedings of the 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, Saskatoon, Canada. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 174, 128-138.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. Emplacement of the Victor NW kimberlite pipe (N. Ontario): contrasting eruption styles and processes. Mineral Exploration Round Up 08, Vancouver, Canada, poster. No published abstract.
HARDER M., HETMAN C.M., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and PELL J. 2008. The evolution of geological models for the DO-27 kimberlite, NWT, Canada: implications for evaluation. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00306, 3 pages.
MITCHELL R.H., SKINNER E.M.W. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. Tuffisitic kimberlites: mineralogical characteristics relevant to their formation. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00054, 3 pages.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. The economic implications of kimberlite emplacement. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00335, 3 pages.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., NOWICKI T.E., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J., HETMAN C.M., HARDER M. and MITCHELL R.H. 2008. Kimberlites: descriptive geological nomenclature and classification. 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00124, 3 pages.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. Stratigraphy of the intra-crater volcaniclastic deposits of the Victor Northwest kimberlite (Canada). 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00292, 3 pages.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2008. Explosive fragmentation and eruption of kimberlite, insights from the Victor Northwest pipe (Canada). 9th International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract No. 9IKC-A-00294, 3 pages.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., NOWICKI T.E., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J., HETMAN C.M., HARDER M. and MITCHELL R.H. 2008. Kimberlites: descriptive geological nomenclature and classification. Short Abstract, 36th Annual Geoscience Forum, Yellowknife, 2008.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and BERRYMAN A.K. 2007. Reply to discussion of “Geology and diamond distribution of the 140/141 kimberlite, Fort à la Corne, central Saskatchewan, Canada” (Lithos 76, 99-114, Berryman A.K., Scott Smith B.H. and Jellicoe B.C.) by B.A. Kjarsgaard, D.A. Leckie and J.P. Zonneveld”. Lithos 97, 429-434.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2007. Victor North pyroclastic kimberlite, Ontario: resource versus non-resource distinguished. Mineral Exploration Round Up, Vancouver, January 2007. Poster presentation. No abstract published.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2007. Introduction to Kimberlites. Short Course Notes: Kimberlite Geology: Basics, Advances and Economics, Mineral Exploration Round Up 07, Vancouver, Canada, 25 pp.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2007. Kimberlite Emplacement 1: Kimberlite sheets (dykes and sills). Short Course Notes: Kimberlite Geology: Basics, Advances and Economics, Mineral Exploration Round Up 2007, Vancouver, Canada, 16 pp.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2007. The economics of kimberlite emplacement. Short Course Notes, Kimberlite Geology: Basics, Advances and Economics, Mineral Exploration Round Up 2007, Vancouver, Canada, 14pp.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2007. Lamproites and kimberlites in India. Reprint of Scott Smith 1989 with Addendum (reproduced with permission from Neues Jahrbuch Miner, Abh., v. 161, pp. 193-225; Stuttgart 1989). Journal Geological Society of India, Vol. 69, p. 443-465.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2007. Welded/agglutinated intra-crater deposits: an example from the Victor Northwest kimberlite pipe, northern Ontario, Canada. Short Abstract. IUGG, Perugia, Italy, July 2007.
SCOTT SMITH B. 2006. Geology of the 140/141 kimberlite, Saskatchewan. Short Course Notes, Kimberlites and Diamonds: Advanced Topics for Explorationists. Mineral Exploration Round Up, January 2006, Vancouver, Canada.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2006. Petrology and volcanology of the Victor Kimberlite, northern Ontario, Canada, GAC-MAC annual meeting, Montreal, May 14-17, Short Abstract Vol. 31, p. 155-156.
COOPERSMITH H., PELL J. and SCOTT SMITH B. 2006. The importance of kimberlite geology in diamond deposit evaluation: a case study from the DO27/DO18 kimberlite, NWT, Canada. Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
HARDER M., HETMAN C., SCOTT SMITH B. and PELL J. 2006. Geology of the DO27 pipe: a pyroclastic kimberlite in the Lac de Gras Province, NWT, Canada. Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
HETMAN C.M., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and WINTER F.W. 2003. Geology of the Gahcho Kué kimberlite pipes, NWT, Canada: Root to diatreme transition zones. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract 352, 5 pages. Reprinted as Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
MASUN K. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2006. The Pimenta Bueno kimberlite field, Rondonia, Brazil: evidence for tuffisitic kimberlite. Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2006. Canadian kimberlites: geological characteristics relevant to emplacement. Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2006. Victor North pyroclastic kimberlite, Ontario: resource vs. non-resource distinguished. Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
VAN STRAATEN B.I., KOPYLOVA M.G., RUSSELL J.K., WEBB K.J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2006. Victor Northwest kimberlite pipe, Ontario: alternating volcaniclastic and apparent coherent extrusive rocks. Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
WEBB K.J., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and HETMAN C.M. 2003. Geology of the Victor kimberlite, Attawapiskat, northern Ontario, Canada: Cross-cutting and nested craters. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Extended abstract 353, 5 pages. Reprinted as Long Abstract for 2006 Kimberlite Emplacement Workshop, September, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 5 pp.
GOFTON E., TOSDAL R., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and McCANDLESS T. 2005. Root to diatreme transition in the Renard kimberlite bodies, Quebec. Abstract, Cordilleran Round Up, Vancouver.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and KOPYLOVA M. 2005. A hands-on tour of Canadian kimberlites, MDRU Short Course #42, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
HETMAN C.M., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and WINTER F.W. 2004. Geology of the Gahcho Kué kimberlite pipes, NWT, Canada: Root to diatreme magmatic transition zones. Proceedings of the Eighth International Kimberlite Conference. Lithos 76, 51-74.
WEBB K.J., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and HETMAN C.M. 2004. Geology of the Victor kimberlite, Attawapiskat, northern Ontario, Canada: cross-cutting and nested craters. Proceedings of the Eighth International Kimberlite Conference. Lithos 76, 29-50.
BERRYMAN A.K., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and JELLICOE B. 2004. Geology and diamond distribution of the 140/141 kimberlite, Fort à la Corne, central Saskatchewan, Canada. Proceedings of the Eighth International Kimberlite Conference. Lithos 76, 99-114.
HETMAN C.M., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and PAUL J.P. 2004. Geology of the Hearne kimberlite pipe, Northwest Territories, Canada: magmatic kimberlite emplacement. Abstract, Second International Maar Conference, Hungary.
PEREIRA P., WYATT B., SCOTT SMITH B. and LETENDRE J. 2004. Retrospective of diamond exploration at the Hardy Lake property, Lac de Gras region, Northwest Territories, Canada. Abstract, Annual Geoscience Forum, Yellowknife, Canada.
HETMAN C.M., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and WINTER F.W. 2003. Geology of the Gahcho Kué kimberlite pipes, NWT, Canada: Root to diatreme transition zones. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Short Abstract 1.5, page 33.
WEBB K.J., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and HETMAN C.M. 2003. Geology of the Victor kimberlite, Attawapiskat, Northern Ontario, Canada: Cross-cutting and nested craters. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Short Abstract 1.4, p. 33.
BERRYMAN A., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and JELLICOE B. 2003. Geology and diamond distribution of the 140/141 kimberlite, Fort à la Corne, Central Saskatchewan, Canada. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Short Abstract 1.6, p. 34.
MOGG T.S., KOPYLOVA M.G., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and KIRKLEY M.B. 2003. Petrology of the Snap Lake kimberlite, NWT, Canada. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Short Abstract and Poster 7.P1, p. 27.
HETMAN C.M., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and WINTER F.W. 2003. Geology of the Gahcho Kué kimberlite pipes, NWT, Canada: Root to diatreme transition zones. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract 352, 5 pages.
WEBB K.J., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and HETMAN C.M. 2003. Geology of the Victor kimberlite, Attawapiskat, Northern Ontario, Canada: Cross-cutting and nested craters. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract 353, 5 pages.
BERRYMAN A., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and JELLICOE B. 2003. Geology and diamond distribution of the 140/141 kimberlite, Fort à la Corne, central Saskatchewan, Canada. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract 373, 5 pages.
MOGG T., KOPYLOVA M., SCOTT SMITH B. and KIRKLEY M. 2003. Petrology of the Snap Lake kimberlite, NWT, Canada. Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Extended Abstract 67, 5 pages.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., HETMAN C., WEBB K. and KIRKLEY M. 2003. De Beers Canada, Eighth International Kimberlite Conference, Large Core Exhibit Guide, 2003, 78 pages.
WEBB K.J., SCOTT SMITH B.H., PAUL J.L. and HETMAN C.M. 2003. Geology of the Victor kimberlite, Attawapiskat, Ontario, Canada: cross cutting and nested craters. Short abstract for Quebec Exploration, November 24-27th 2003, Quebec City, Canada.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2002. Petrology of diamond-bearing rocks. Short Abstract. CIM Annual General Meeting Diamond Session. Vancouver, Canada.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2002. Advances in kimberlite petrology. Diamond Short Course, Cordilleran Round Up, Vancouver, Canada.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and MCKINLAY T. 2002. Emplacement of the Hardy Lake kimberlites, NWT, Canada. Short Abstract, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Special Session on kimberlites.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 2002. Geology of the Fort à la Corne kimberlites, Saskatchewan, Canada. Short Abstract, GAC/MAC Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Special Session on kimberlites.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1999. Kimberlite petrology. Association of Exploration Geochemists Short Course. Vancouver, Canada, Diamond exploration methods and case studies, p. 73-74.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1999. Near-surface emplacement of kimberlites by magmatic processes. Invited article in IAVCEI Commission on Explosive Volcanism Newsletter, Spring 1999, p. 3-10.
DOYLE B.J., KIVI K. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1999. The Tli Kwi Cho (DO27 and DO18) diamondiferous kimberlite complex, Northwestern Territories, Canada. The J.B. Dawson Volume, Proceedings of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Vol. 1, p. 194-204.
FIELD M. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1999. Contrasting geology and near-surface emplacement of kimberlite pipes in Southern Africa and Canada. The J.B. Dawson Volume, Proceedings of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Vol. 1, p. 214-237.
KONG J.M., BOUCHER D.R. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1999. Exploration and geology of the Attawapiskat kimberlites, James Bay Lowland, Northern Ontario, Canada. The J.B. Dawson Volume, Proceedings of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Vol. 1, p. 452-467, 1999.
MITCHELL R.H., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and LARSEN L.M. 1999. Mineralogy of ultramafic dikes from the Sarfartoq, Sisimiut and Maniitsoq areas. West Greenland. The J.B. Dawson Volume, Proceedings of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Vol. 1, p. 574-582.
DOYLE B.J., KIVI K. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1998. The Tli Kwi Cho (DO27 and DO 18) diamondiferous kimberlite complex, Slave craton, Northwest Territories, Canada. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 199-201.
FIELD M. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1998. Near surface emplacement of kimberlites: contrasting models and why. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 211-213.
FIELD M. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1998. Textural and genetic classification schemes of kimberlites: a new perspective. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 214-216.
KONG J.M., BOUCHER D.R. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1998. Exploration and geology of the Attawapiskat kimberlites, James Bay Lowland, Northern Ontario, Canada. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 446-448.
McKINLAY F.T., SCOTT SMITH B.H., de GASPARIS S. and KONG J. 1998. Geology of the recently discovered Hardy Lake kimberlites, NWT. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 564-566.
MITCHELL R.H., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and LARSEN L.M. 1998. Mineralogy of ultramafic dikes from the Sarfartoq, Sisimiut and Maniitsoq areas, West Greenland: Kimberlites or melnoites. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 600-602.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., ORR R.G., ROBERTSHAW P. and AVERY R.W. 1998. Geology of the Fort à la Corne kimberlites, Saskatchewan. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 772-774.
WOOD B.D., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and de GASPARIS S. 1998. The Mountain Lake kimberlite pipes of NW Alberta: Exploration, geology and emplacement model. Extended Abstracts of the Seventh International Kimberlite Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 960-962.
FIELD M. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1998. Kimberlite emplacement mechanisms Part 1: A southern African perspective. Abstract for the IAVCEI International Volcanological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 20.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and FIELD M. 1998. Kimberlite emplacement mechanisms Part 2: A Saskatchewan perspective. Abstract for the IAVCEI International Volcanological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 54.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and FIELD M. 1998. Kimberlite emplacement mechanisms Part 3: An overview. Abstract for the IAVCEI International Volcanological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa 1998. p. 54.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and FIELD M. 1998. Kimberlite emplacement mechanisms Part 4: A new perspective of the textural and genetic classification. Abstract for the IAVCEI International Volcanological Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 1998, p. 54.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1998. Kimberlite emplacement processes in the Slave, NWT, Canada. Abstract for the Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
LEE D.C., MILLEDGE H.J., REDDICLIFFE T.H., SCOTT SMITH B.H., TAYLOR W.R. and WARD L.M. 1997. The Merlin Kimberlites, Northern Territory. Proceedings of the Sixth International Kimberlite Conference. Vol. 1: Kimberlites, Related Rocks and Mantle Xenoliths. Russian Geology and Geophysics, 38, 1, p. 82-96.
McKINLAY F.T., WILLIAMS A.C., KONG J. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1997. An integrated exploration case history for diamonds, Hardy Lake project, NWT, In: Gubins, A.G., Ed. Proceedings of the 4th Decennial International Conference on Mineral Exploration, Toronto, Canada, p. 1029-1037.
WOOLLEY A.R., BERGMAN S.C., EDGAR A.D., Le BAS M.J., MITCHELL R.H., ROCK N.M.S. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1996. Classification of lamprophyres, lamproites, kimberlites and the kalisilite-, melilitic- and leucitic rocks. Canadian Mineralogist 34, p. 175-186.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., LETENDRE J.P. and ROBISON H.R. 1996. Geology of the Sturgeon Lake 01 kimberlite block, Saskatchewan. Exploration and Mining Geology 5, p. 251-261.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1996. Kimberlites. Chapter 10, Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Series, R.H. Mitchell (Ed.), Undersaturated Alkaline Rocks: Mineralogy, Petrogenesis, and Economic Potential, Short Course 24, p. 217-243.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1996. Lamproites. Chapter 12, Mineralogical Association of Canada Short Course Series, R.H. Mitchell (Ed.) Undersaturated Alkaline Rocks: Mineralogy, Petrogenesis, and Economic Potential, Short Course 24, p. 259-270.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1995. Kimberlites in Saskatchewan: One of a kind. Prospectors and Developers Association. Annual General Meeting. March 1995. Abstract, p. 54-56.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1995. Geology of the Sturgeon Lake 02 kimberlite block, Saskatchewan. Exploration and Mining Geology C.I.M. 4, p. 141-151.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1995. Petrology and diamonds. Exploration and Mining Geology, C.I.M. 4, no. 2, p. 127-140.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., ORR R.G., ROBERTSHAW P. and AVERY R.A. 1995. Geology of the Fort à la Corne kimberlites, Saskatchewan. Extended Abstracts, Sixth International Kimberlite Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 1995, p. 543-547.
LEE D.C., MILLEDGE H.J., REDDICLIFFE T.H., SCOTT SMITH B.H., TAYLOR W.R. and WARD L.M. 1995. The Merlin kimberlites, Northern Territory, Australia. Extended Abstracts, Sixth International Kimberlite Conference, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1995, p. 317-319.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1994. Petrology and diamonds. Proceedings of the CIM District 6 Annual General Meeting. Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 1994, p. 1-18.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., ORR R.G., ROBERTSHAW P. and AVERY R.A. 1994. Geology of the Fort à la Corne Kimberlites, Saskatchewan. Proceedings of the CIM District 6 Annual General Meeting. Vancouver, B.C., Canada, October 1994, p. 19-23.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1992. Contrasting kimberlites and lamproites. Exploration and Mining Geology, the publication of the Geological Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Volume 1, No. 4, p. 371-381.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1992. Kimberlites and lamproites compared and contrasted. Extended Abstract for the International Round Table Conference on Diamond Exploration and Mining, New Delhi, India. November 1992.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1991. The nature of kimberlites and lamproites. Canadian Institute of Mining Metallurgy and Petroleum 93rd Annual General Meeting, Industrial Minerals Division – Diamonds – Geology and Exploration. April 29th 1991, Vancouver. Short Abstracts Volume, p. 61.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1991. Contrasting kimberlites and lamproites. First Annual Field Conference of the Geological Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Saskatoon, September 1991. Short Abstracts Volume p. 29.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., SKINNER E.M.W. and LONEY P.E. 1989. The Kapamba lamproites of the Luangwa Valley eastern Zambia. Proceedings of the Fourth International Kimberlite Conference. Geological Society of Australia Special Publication No. 14. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Vol. 1, p.189-205.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1989. Lamproites in India. Extended Abstract for the Workshop on Diamonds, July 1989, Washington DC, p. 91-93.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1989. Lamproites in India. Extended Abstract for the 28th International Geological Congress, July 1989, Washington DC, p. 3-63. (Same text as 26).
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1989. Lamproites and Kimberlites in India. Neues Jahrbuch Miner. Abh. 161 (2), p. 193-225.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1987. Greenland. In: P.A. Nixon (Ed.), Mantle Xenoliths. John Wiley and Sons, p. 23-32.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1987. Contrasting kimberlites and lamproites. Notes to accompany a talk given at the International Seminar on Kimberlite in Beijing, China.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., SKINNER E.M.W. and LONEY P.E. 1986. Lamproites from the Luangwa Valley, eastern Zambia. Fourth International Kimberlite Conference, Perth 1986, Extended Abstract. Geol. Soc. Australia No. 16, p. 87-89.
SKINNER E.M.W., SMITH C.B., BRISTOW J.B., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and DAWSON J.B. 1985. Proterozoic kimberlites and a preliminary age for the Argyle lamproite pipe, Western Australia. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa 88 (2), p. 335-340.
ALLSOPP H.L., BRISTOW J.B., SKINNER E.M.W., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and DANCHIN R.V. 1985. Rb-Sr Geochronology of some Miocene West Australian lamproites. Trans. Geol. Soc. South Africa, 88 (2), p. 341-346.
DANCHIN R.V., BRISTOW J.B., ROBEY J.v.A. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1985. The petrology of three suites of Australian kimberlitic intrusives. Long Abstract. All Union Conference “Native elements formation in the endogenic processes”, Yakutsk, 1985. In: Ed. N.V. Sobolev, Native elements in meteorites and continental lithosphere. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Division, Academy of Earth Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
FRASER K.J., HAWKESWORTH C.J., ERLANK A.J., MITCHELL R.H. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1985. Sr, Nd and Pb isotope and minor element geochemistry of lamproites and kimberlites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 76, p. 57-70.
CLEMENT C.R., SKINNER E.M.W. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1984. Kimberlite redefined. J. Geol. 92, p. 223-228.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and SKINNER E.M.W. 1984. A new look at Prairie Creek, Arkansas. In: J. Kornprobst (Ed.), Kimberlites and related rocks. Proceedings of the Third International Kimberlite Conference, Vol. 1, Elsevier’s Development in Petrology series, no. 11A, p. 255-284.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and SKINNER E.M.W. 1984. Kimberlite and American Mines, near Prairie Creek, Arkansas. In: J. Kornprobst (Ed.), Kimberlite III: Documents Annal. Scientifiques de l’Univ. de Clermont Fd II, 74, p. 27-36.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., DANCHIN R.V., HARRIS J.W. and STRACKE K.J. 1984. Kimberlites near Orroroo, South Australia. In: J. Kornprobst (Ed.), Kimberlites and related rocks. Proceedings of the Third International Kimberlite Conference, Vol. 1, Elsevier’s Development in Petrology series, no. 11A, p. 121-142.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., DANCHIN R.V., HARRIS J.W. and STRACKE K.J. 1984. Kimberlites near Orroroo, South Australia: Appendix. In: J. Kornprobst (Ed.), Kimberlite III: Documents Annal. Scientifiques de l’Univ. de Clermont Fd II. 74, p. 123-128.
APTER D.B., HARPER F.J., WYATT B.A. and SCOTT SMITH B.H. 1984. The geology of the Mayeng kimberlite sill complex South Africa. In: J. Kornprobst (Ed.), Kimberlites and related rocks. Proceedings of the Third International Kimberlite Conference. Vol. 1, Elsevier’s Development in Petrology series, no. 11A, p. 43-58.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and SKINNER E.M.W. 1984. Diamondiferous lamproites J. Geol. 92, p. 433-438.
SCOTT SMITH B.H., SKINNER E.M.W. and CLEMENT C.R. 1983. Further data on the occurrence of pectolite in kimberlite. Mineral. Mag. 47, 75-78.
DANCHIN R.V., HARRIS J.W., SCOTT SMITH B.H. and STRACKE K.J. 1982. Diamondiferous kimberlites at Orroroo, South Australia. Short Abstract, Terra Cognita 2, p. 205.
SCOTT SMITH B.H. and SKINNER E.M.W. 1982. A new look at Prairie Creek, Arkansas. Short Abstract, Terra Cognita 2, p. 210.
SCOTT B.H. 1981. Kimberlite and lamproite dykes from Holsteinsborg, West Greenland. Meddr. om Grønland, Geoscience 4, 1-24.
SCOTT B.H. and SKINNER E.M.W. 1979. The Premier kimberlite pipe, Transvaal, South Africa. Extended Abstract, Kimberlite Symposium II, Cambridge, UK, July 1979. 5pp.
SKINNER E.M.W. and SCOTT B.H. 1979. Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of kimberlites and associated lamprophyre dykes near Swartruggens, Western Transvaal, R.S.A. Extended Abstract, Kimberlite Symposium II, Cambridge, UK, July 1979. 6 pp.
SCOTT B.H. 1979. Petrogenesis of kimberlites and associated potassic lamprophyres from central West Greenland. Proceedings of the Second International Kimberlite Conference, Vol. 1. Boyd F.R. and Meyer H.O.A. (Eds.), Kimberlites, diatremes and diamonds: their geology, petrology and geochemistry. American Geophysical Union, Washington, p. 190-205.
SCOTT B.H. 1977. Petrogenesis of kimberlites and associated potassic lamprophyres from West Greenland. Ph.D Thesis. Edinburgh University, Scotland.
SCOTT B.H. 1977. Petrogenesis of kimberlites and associated potassic lamprophyres from West Greenland. Extended Abstract, Second International Kimberlite Conference, Santa Fe, USA, 1977. 3pp.
CLEMENT C.R., SKINNER E.M.W. and SCOTT B.H. 1977. Kimberlite redefined. Extended Abstract, Second International Kimberlite Conference, Santa Fe, USA, 1977. 2pp.