
    Development and application of geophysical inversion methodologies to solve applied problems in resource exploration, environmental or engineering problems. Research projects are carried out through the UBC Geophysical Inversion Facility and most projects involve extensive interaction with industry. Details are provided at our UBC-GIF website.

    Current major topics include:
    (1) 3D Forward Modelling and Inversion of Electromagnetic Data, (MITEM consortium).
    (2) UXO (Unexploded Ordnance) detection and discrimination.
    (3) 3D inversion of gravity, magnetics, DC resisitivity, Induced Polarization, and Magnetometric Resistivity data.
    (4) Development of techniques to incorporate geologic information into geophysical inversions.
    (5) Application of current inversion tools in mineral exploration and environmental problems.

    Research Areas

    • Geophysics

    B.Sc. (1967) University of Alberta. M.Sc. (1969) University of Alberta. Ph.D. (1974) California, San Diego. Killam Posdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta (1974-75). Research Associate, University of Alberta (1976). Faculty Member, UBC (since 1977). Director, UBC Geophysical Inversion Facility (since 1989).