Greg Dipple

Professor Emeritus

ESB 5196
(604) 827-0653
Not accepting students

Greg Dipple is Professor of Geological Sciences at the University of British Columbia. He studies the processes of and driving forces for mineral-fluid reactions, including those that modulate long-term climate through chemical weathering. He has published extensively on fluid-rock interactions from the deep Earth to its surface. Through field, experimental, and modeling studies, he and his students and postdocs have demonstrated that weathering of alkaline mine wastes are vastly accelerated over background weathering rates and impact the short term carbon cycle. Current work focuses on industrial control of these processes for carbon capture, utilization and storage. Dr. Dipple has worked at The University of British Columbia since 1992. He has served as a Department Head and Associate Dean, and in administrative roles for the Mineral Deposit Research Unit and the Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining. 

Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins)

Research Staff

  • Research Scientist: Hydrogeology Group

Graduate Students

  • MSc Geological Sciences
  • PhD
  • PhD Geological Sciences
  • MSc
  • PhD