
    Deformation within the lithosphere is often accommodated by the development of large-scale fault systems and shear zones. My research interests focus on the mechanisms by which faults and shear zones develop and how they accommodate displacements (both in brittle and ductile regimes). I am particularly interested in evaluating the role that fluids and fluid-rock interactions play in weakening or strengthening shear zones, especially with respect to strain localization and the inititiation of transient, high strain rate events. My research approach is to combine field based studies, and subsequent microstructural analyses with experimental rock deformation studies in order to understand the processes of rock deformation.

    Current studies include:

    (1) Structural analyses of the Slave Lithospheric Mantle based on mantle xenoliths. The aim of this study is to evaluate the rheological behaviour of the Upper Manlte, by using microstructural analyses and fabric determinations using SEM EBSD.
    (2) Deformation experiments using a triaxial rock press with confining pressure, temperature and flow-through pore fluid pressure abilities. Experiments to date have focussed on the development of fractures in dolomite. Future experiments will focus on the developement of network permeability in dolomite and the role of fluid-rock interactions on rock strength and the stability of shear zones.

    (3) Fabric analyses of carbonate shear zones developed along thrust faults.

    (4) Deformation studies and the tectonic significance of the in Atnarko Metamorphic Complex, Intermontane - Coast Belt boundary. PhD student, Steve Israel

    Research Areas

    • Geology

    B.Sc., Univ. New Brunswick; Ph. D., Texas A&M; Faculty Member, UBC (1996 - ).