Research Areas
- Geochemistry
- Oceanography
Publications (last decade)
- Bringue, M., Pospelova, V., Calvert, S.E., Enkin, R.J., Lacourse, T., Ivanochko, T., 2016. High resolution dinoflagellate cyst record of environmental change in Effingham Inlet (British Columbia, Canada) over the last millennium. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 441, 787-810.
- Calvert, S.E., Piper, D.Z., Thunell, R.C., Astor, Y., 2015. Elemental settling and burial fluxes in the Cariaco Basin. Marine Chemistry 177, 607-629.
- Jiménez Berrocoso, Á., Bodin, S., Wood, J., Calvert, S.E., Mutterlose, J., Petrizzo, M.R., Redfern, J., 2013. Dynamic sedimentary conditions during periods of enhanced sequestration of organic carbon in the central southern Tethys at the onset of the Cenozoic global cooling. Sedimentary Geology 290, 60-84.
- Chang, A.S., Bertram, M.A., Ivanochko, T., Calvert, S.E., Dallimore, A., Thomson, R.E., 2013. Annual record of particle fluxes, geochemistry and diatoms in Effingham Inlet, British Columbia, Canada, and the impact of the 1999 La Nina event. Marine Geology 337, 20-34.
- Berrocoso, A.J., Bodin, S., Wood, J., Calvert, S.E., Mutterlose, J., Petrizzo, M.R., Redfern, J., 2013. Dynamic sedimentary conditions during periods of enhanced sequestration of organic carbon in the central southern Tethys at the onset of the Cenozoic global cooling. Sedimentary Geology 290, 60-84.
- Piper, D.Z., Calvert, S.E., 2011. Holocene and late glacial palaeoceanography and palaeolimnology of the Black Sea: Changing sediment provenance and basin hydrography over the past 20,000 years. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 5597-5624.
- Dubois, N., Kienast, M., Kienast, S., Normandeau, C., Calvert, S.E., Herbert, T.D., Mix, A., 2011. Millennial-scale variations in hydrography and biogeochemistry in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the last 100 kyr. Quaternary Science Reviews 30, 210-223.
- Dubois, N., Kienast, M., Kienast, S., Calvert, S.E., Francois, R., Anderson, R.F., 2010. Sedimentary opal records in the eastern equatorial Pacific: It is not all about leakage. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24, doi:10.1029/2010GB003821.
- Piper, D.Z., Calvert, S.E., 2009. A marine biogeochemical perspective on black shale deposition. Earth Science Reviews 95, 63-96.
- Hay, M.B., Calvert, S.E., Pienitz, R., Dallimore, A., Thomson, R.E., Baumgartner, T.R., 2009. Geochemical and diatom signatures of bottom water renewal events in Effingham Inlet, British Columbia (Canada). Marine Geology 262, 50-61.
- Jiménez Berrocoso, Á., MacLeod, K.G., Calvert, S.E., Elorza, J., 2008. Bottom water anoxia, inoceramid colonization, and benthopelagic coupling during black shale deposition on Demerara Rise (Late Cretaceous western tropical North Atlantic). Paleoceanography 23, PA3212 doi: 3210.1029/2007PA001545.
- Ivanochko, T.S., Calvert, S.E., Thomson, R.E., Pedersen, T.F., 2008. Geochemical reconstruction of Pacific decadal variability from the eastern North Pacific during the Holocene. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45, 1317-1329.
- Ivanochko, T.S., Calvert, S.E., Southon, J.R., Enkin, R.J., Baker, J., Dallimore, A., Pedersen, T.F., 2008. Determining the post-glacial evolution of a northeast Pacific coastal fjord using a multiproxy geochemical approach. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45, 1331-1334.
- Dallimore, A., Enkin, R.J., Pienitz, R., Southon, J.R., Baker, J., Wright, C.A., Pedersen, T.F., Calvert, S.E., Ivanochko, T., Thomson, R.E., 2008. Postglacial evolution of a Pacific coastal fjord in British Columbia, Canada: interactions of sea-level change, crustal response, and environmental fluctuations-results from MONA core MD02-2494. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 45, 1345-1362.
- Kienast, S.S., Kienast, M., Mix, A.C., Calvert, S.E., Francois, R., 2007. Thorium-230 normalized particle flux and sediment focusing in the Panama Basin region during the last 30,000 years. Paleoceanography 22.
- Hay, M.B., Dallimore, A., Thomson, R.E., Calvert, S.E., Pienitz, R., 2007. Siliceous microfossil record of late Holocene oceanography and climate along the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia (Canada). Quaternary Research 67, 33-49.
- Calvert, S.E., Pedersen, T.F., 2007. Elemental proxies for palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic variability in marine sediments: interpretation and application, in: Hillaire-Marcel, C., de Vernal, A. (Eds.), Developments in Marine Geology, Volume 1. Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography. Elsevier, New York, pp. 567-644.
- Kienast, S.S., Kienast, M., Jaccard, S., Calvert, S.E., Francois, R., 2006. Testing the silica leakage hypothesis with sedimentary opal records from the eastern equatorial Pacific over the last 150 kyrs. Geophysical Research Letters 33, doi:10.1029/2006GL026651.
- Kienast, M., Kienast, S.S., Calvert, S.E., Eglinton, T.I., Mollenhauer, G., Francois, R., Mix, A.C., 2006. Eastern Pacific cooling and Atlantic overturning circulation during the last deglaciation. Nature 443, 846-849.