Ziyi Zhou

PhD Geological Sciences

ESB 4014
(236) 965-2066

I am a PhD visting student in the hydrogeology research group, supervised by Prof. Ulrich Mayer. My research focuses on the Sb migration and transformation process. My current research includes: 

[1] Reactive transport modeling of components in natural and human-activity affected sites.
[2] Quantitative investigation of the geochemical behavior of heavy metals using density functional theory and synchrotron-related techniques.
[3] Development and investigation of current and novel remediation technologies for heavy metals contaminated sites.

Weiqing Zhou, Jianwei Zhou, Xinbin Feng, Bing Wen, Aiguo Zhou, Peng Liu, Guangyi Sun, Ziyi Zhou, Xin Liu, Antimony isotope fractionation revealed from EXAFS during adsorption on Fe (oxyhydr) oxides, Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 9353-9361, Doi: 10.1021/acs.est.3c01906

Ziyi Zhou, Peng Liu, Sheng Wang, Y. Zou Finfrock, Zhihang Ye, Yu Feng, Xiaodan Li, Iron-modified biochar-based bilayer permeable reactive barrier for Cr(VI) removal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 129636, Doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129636

Chunli Su, Sheng Wang, Ziyi Zhou, Hongjie Wang, Xianjun Xie, Yanyuan Yang, Yu Feng, Wenfu Liu, Peng Liu, Chemical processes of Cr(VI) removal by Fe-modified biochar under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and mechanism characterization under aerobic condition using synchrotron-related techniques, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 144604, Doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144604