Volume 25 No. 48

November 30, 2021

Employment & Opportunities

2022 Wares Postdoctoral Fellowships at Earth & Planetary Sciences - McGill University

The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at McGill University invites applications for the Wares Postdoctoral Fellowships from outstanding early career Earth Scientists. Fellows will work on research projects in collaboration with one or more faculty member within the broad range of disciplines covered by the Department. The Postdoctoral Fellowship is for two years and offers competitive compensation, a research stipend and relocation allowance.

Applications must include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae including a list of publications, a two-page research proposal, an endorsement letter from the faculty sponsor(s), and two letters of reference. The deadline for receipt of application materials is February 1, 2022 and the anticipated start date for the fellowship September 1st, 2022 (negotiable).

The department webpage provides full details.

Two postdoctoral Fellows - the University of Toronto

We're hiring for two postdoctoral fellows at the University of Toronto:

1) Data Analytics for Canadian Climate Services

The Data Analytics for Canadian Climate Services (DACCS) project is hiring a postdoctoral fellow to assist with development of new analyses of climate impacts and risks as demonstrator applications of the DACCS platform, and to coordinate with scientific end-users across Canada and internationally. The DACCS project is building a cloud-based platform to facilitate conversion of raw climate data from satellite observations and simulation models into relevant, credible and actionable information products for assessing climate impacts and risks. A key feature of DACCS is support for creating and sharing analytics workflows alongside the datasets they apply to. DACCS will integrate with existing international climate data services such as ESGF, while providing additional services tailored to the Canadian context. To build the DACCS platform, the University of Toronto is partnering with Ouranos, CRIM, PCIC, CCCma, Natural Resources Canada, McGill and Concordia Universities.

2) The Toronto Climate Observatory

The Toronto Climate Observatory (TCO) is hiring an inaugural postdoctoral fellow to work with us on establishing a new campus-wide research initiative. With professors and graduate students from multiple departments and faculties at the University of Toronto, we are developing an ambitious research agenda, online platform, and outreach program to monitor and communicate the accelerating impacts of climate change locally and around the world. Drawing on approaches ranging from climate modeling to human centered design, economics, oral history, citizen science, and art/science collaboration, the TCO will develop novel approaches to understanding the effects of climate change in ways that are contextualized and meaningful to policy-makers and the public. Key aspects of the initiative include our commitments to sound science, interdisciplinary collaboration, climate justice, and public engagement. 

Both positions to start as soon as possible in the New Year. Please submit applications by Jan 10th. 

For details, please see here.

Fully funded PhD opportunity - University of Stirling, Scotland

The PhD topic, “Adaptation strategies against progressing anoxia in lakes”, is on numerical modelling of temperature and oxygen dynamics in lakes. The candidate will therefore require good programming and numerical skills.

The PhD position is funded as a 3-year salary for an Early Stage Researcher.

This is a ‘mobility’ award, so is aimed at potential candidates currently *not resident* in the UK – see the job advert for specific details about eligibility requirements.

The formal job advert can be found at here.

Please direct any enquiries to . Deadline for application 8th December. To start before March 2022.

Fully-funded PhD opportunity - Lancaster University, UK

Floating solar panel impacts on aquatic systems under a changing climate

Dr A Folkard, Dr Michael Chipps, Dr S Thackeray, Dr A Armstrong, Dr Julien Cucherousset 

Submission deadline: Wednesday, January 12, 2022 (full details at here)

News & Events

MSc Thesis Defense: Lindsey Rayborn

Title: Random forest constraints on fine ash concentration and charging processes from experimentally generated volcanic discharges

Date & Time: Friday, December 3, 2021 at 9:00 am

Location: ESB 5104

38th Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis - 7 to 17 February 2022

This *Online Course in Climate Time Series Analysis* is specifically tailored to the needs of PhD students and postdocs, who wish to learn about an important combination of disciplines (climate change and time series analysis), but have had so far not much exposure to in-depth statistical teaching. It will also attract professional researchers, who wish to update their knowledge or to learn new statistical techniques. We assume that participants come from somewhere in the range of climatology, ecology, econometrics, environmental sciences, geosciences, hydrology, meteorology, or physics.

This online format has emerged in response partly to the Covid-19 situation (which started in 2020), but also to the general upward trend in need of electronic high-level quality education.

What distinguishes this from other online courses? First, the course provides *videos* that have been designed, recorded and edited with care. You can go repeatedly through the videos and make breaks as you need. You receive and can study again the delivered course *slides.* Second, *daily chat meetings* via a video platform over the full course duration allow you to prepare questions beforehand and get extensive response. Third, own-developed *software* tools specifically designed to get the most out of "dirty" climate time series data, will enhance your arsenal of analytical tools. Fourth, the *individual feedback period* of two months post-course (via email and, possibly, online meeting) preserves the interactive mode of joint data analysis, it allows to go in depth through real applications — perhaps on your own data!

Registration Website

Registration Form

Course book, e-book version

Registration fee net price, no VAT

without eBook: 1200 EUR
with eBook: 1300 EUR
Registration Deadline: 28 January 2022
